St John the Baptist, Cookham Dean

Encounter God through warm hospitality and inspired worship

Jubilee Vestry

The Jubilee Vestry

The Jubilee Vestry was dedicated by the Bishop of Reading, the Rt Rev'd Andrew Proud, on 27th January 2013.

This was the culmination of a six year project to replace the old vestry which had become too small for our needs, had limited storage and facilities and which suffered from rising damp.

Coffee Time

The church allocated a substantial sum from its reserves, and together with a successful fund raising campaign among the congregation and the village at large, was able to create a band new adaptable space with storage, disabled toilet facilities and a new kitchen all to modern building standards. It represents a substantial investment for the future life of the church in the village.
Junior Sunbeams
The building was designed by Neil Barr of Daniel, Lelliot Krauze architects of Reading, and was built by Farr & Roberts of Maidenhead. The workmanship is of a high standard, especially the external stone and flint work which blends in with the Grade II* listed church.

The building accommodates the choir robing store and a music library. A moveable partition enables two classes of Sunday School to run concurrently with a high degree of sound insulation from each other and from the church. When opened out the space can accommodate seating for up to 40 people for the monthly lunch club.

The space is also used for after service coffee and refreshments, and for church meetings, both within the benefice and wider.