St John the Baptist, Cookham Dean

Encounter God through warm hospitality and inspired worship


Financial support plays an important role in both the work of the church and the upkeep of the building. Without the continued support of generous donors, these needs will go unmet. 

There are several ways for you to give or pledge your financial support
givealittle qrcode

On line - Follow this link Give to St John the Baptist Cookham Dean or use the qr code on the right

Pledge of Financial Support Forms are available at the back of church or can be downloaded here. 

Parish Giving Scheme - we are registered with the Church of England's scheme which streamlines the administration of regular giving and recovering Gift Aid from the Government.Parish Giving Scheme
For further details visit or follow the qr code on the right.

Legacy Guidance is available just inside the main door of the church or by contacting our treasurer below.

Friends Scheme - if you are not a church member but value the contribution that the church makes to the local community, we have a Friends of St John the Baptist scheme which primarily goes to expenses associated with the church fabric. A leaflet is available at the back of church.

Gift Aid - if you are a UK taxpayer please use the envelopes in church to help us claim back the tax you have paid on your donation.

If you prefer, you can discuss your options with our treasurer. You can email our Treasurer to schedule a meeting.