A safeguarding message from Father Stephen
We are deeply committed to safeguarding within our
churches and to
ensuring the well-being of everyone in our community.
Both Holy Trinity and St John the Baptist have appointed Safeguarding Officers
who, together with the Ministry Team and other
church leaders,
are dedicated to maintaining a safe and supportive environment.
The Safeguarding Officer for St John the Baptist is Katherine Billinghurst who is assisted by Laura Satterley
Click here to email our Safeguarding Officer
Our Safeguarding Policy is revisited every year by the Church Council
and Safeguarding is a standing agenda item at each of its meetings.
Click here for our Safeguarding Policy
All safeguarding matters are handled with sensitivity,
care, and strict confidentiality
as part of our unwavering responsibility to
uphold the highest standards.
Our Safeguarding Officers are supported by the professional safeguarding team at Oxford Diocese.
Safeguarding - Diocese of
June 2024 the Diocese of Oxford underwent an independent audit of its safeguarding work,
undertaken by the INEQE Safeguarding Group. The audit is
part of a national programme,
commissioned by the Archbishop’s Council, to
conduct an intensive and comprehensive review
of safeguarding at each diocese
and cathedral in the Church of England.
report’s authors found the Diocese of Oxford to have ‘a solid safeguarding
delivered by its exceptionally well-led and blended Safeguarding
The report commended what it described as a ‘safeguarding first’
philosophy and congratulated
our parishes for the sense of optimism it found on
the frontline ‘where talented Parish
Safeguarding Officers (PSOs) lead by
example’ and ‘collaboration is strong’.
Read the full report and watch Bishop Steven's response here.